Monday, April 11, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Japanese Nuclear Disaster
TU-1 Waters Already Approved By Japanese Customs
Most of us cannot imagine the hardships being endured by the Japanese People; first a great earthquake, then a responding tsunami action, massive destruction of homes, roads, commercial businesses, industrial facilities, followed by a partial nuclear power plant meltdown, and escaping radiation into the atmosphere. The magnitude of this catastrophic chain of events makes it difficult to know where to initially establish, the most critical items for family, personal, and social well-being.
Priorities must begin with “life-support” items, which are air, water, food, warm dry clothes, shelter, medical, and transportation. Looking at the conditions where these life-support items are in need, we find several critical items being compromised by an environment of air-borne nuclear radiation fallout.
Behair Technologies can provide a partial protection blanket for the affected citizens of Japan. Water is the key element in improving living conditions within the earthquake stricken areas and radioactive contaminated areas. Behair Technologies is capable of providing water designed to stop the disintegration of radioactive isotopes. Regular water just will not provide the extra protection received from Nu-Clear Water, which is specifically processed to protect against radioactivity.
Radiation fallout can be minimized with the proper tools (such as “Nu-Clear Water”) utilized in sequential applications against the effects of air-borne radiation and the resulting contaminating fallout.
Air, the very first item to consider is the very air we breathe. If the air is contaminated with radiation, it is of vital importance to keep the very fine radioactive particles from reaching your lungs!
One way to utilize Nu-Clear Water is to minimize the air-borne radiation from reaching your lungs. A dampen a facemask causes the radioactive particle in the air to pass through the mask where it will be exposed to Nu-Clear Water. A Nu-Clear Water soaked mask will stop much of the radiation, thus, by stopping the radiation from reaching the cells in your lungs, less air-borne radioactive material to reach your lungs, the lower are the disintegration rates of the air-borne nuclear materials.
Wash exposed body parts with Nu-Clear Water, which have come in direct contact with radioactive “air-fallout.”
Water, Nu-Clear Water is excellent drinking water. Some Nu-Clear Water should be drank every day to destroy any ingested radioactive materials.
Spray down shoes and outer garments with Nu-Clear Water before entering your home or touching your family members or guest.
Cook with Nu-Clear Water whenever possible! Foods that are purchased from vendors may have been contaminated with radiation long before being taken unto your kitchen.
Bathe with Nu-Clear Water at least once each day and bathe your children twice a day if possible.
Food, such as vegetables need to be wash with Nu-Clear Water and cooked in Nu-Clear Water to minimize ingested radioactivity.
Warm Dry Clothes should be worn to be less attractive to air-borne radioactive materials.
Laundry should be done by using Nu-Clear Water. If the washing machine is hooked up to a public utility water line, pour in ½ gallon, or more if possible, of Nu-Clear Water to reduce radioactive contamination in the laundry.
Shelters or your home may become more and more contaminated by air-borne radiation as contaminating exposure time increases. Prevailing winds will play a major role for disbursement of radiation, which is constantly contaminating the atmosphere over the damaged nuclear reactor or storage ponds until all radiation losses are brought under control.
There are many unknowns in this scenario; however, preparation is the safekeeping of longevity.
Medical benefits are not known and no claims are being made except that Nu-Clear Water will stop the disintegration of a radioactive isotope. All of these writings and the applications are based upon third party radiological laboratory analysis. Tests are available for review and study. However, the simplest way to determine if Nu-Clear Water is everything Behair Technologies claims, is to have it Nu-Clear Water tested by a radiological laboratory.
Transportation on the roadways will begin soon, and radioactive materials that have settled onto the roadways will be sent back into the air with passing cars. The problem here is that sedimentation from a large “slightly contaminated radioactive air body” will concentrate on the roadways. As cars continue to pass through this “settled” radioactive material, the cars become more and more contaminated with radiation.
At some point, the cars must be decontaminated of the radiation. The simple way would be to drive the car to a “carwash” that can both wash the car and stop the disintegration of the radioactive materials, which have been washed off the cars and other vehicles. This can be easily accomplished if the carwash has an RFS System installed in the wash water line.
Aircraft decontamination is going to be a very important item and must soon be addressed; as the helicopters dropping water on the reactors are picking up radioactive contamination each time they pass through the emissions zone above the damage generating plants.
Radioactive materials being wash from the aircraft can reach very high levels of contamination and by washing this radioactive material from the aircraft, it will contaminate the ground and the storage tanks that hold the wash waters. Behair Technologies can install an RFS System and stop the disintegration of the radioactive materials. In this manner the radioactive contaminated materials being washed off the aircraft is rendered radioactive harmless.
Here only two decontamination applications are mentioned, but unfortunately, there are hundreds of independent washing applications that will need help decontaminating the radiation.
Livestock is easily affected by radioactive fallout in several ways. The radioactive fallout settles on the animal; the animal drinks from a stream or pond that is contaminated by radiation and ingests the contamination and the meat and milk becomes contaminated. Livestock graze off contaminated pasture grasses and ingest contamination through eating.
Dairies present even gloomier pictures as the very young whom are bottle-fed must now not be given a diet of radioactive contaminated milk. Milk is used in most cooking and on prepared cereals for breakfast, etc., etc.
Garden foods such as vegetables stand the chance of becoming contaminated with radiation, which has settled on the soil and been soaked into the root system of the plant from either rain or irrigation. Will there be enough radiation in vegetables to cause radiation poisoning? Probably not in and of itself, but it is just one more item added to the accumulative radiation contamination problem within the general ecosystem.
Creeks and rivers can receive higher levels of radiation contamination due to water shed from farms and other areas receiving sedimentation of air-borne radiation fallout. Behair Technologies RFS Systems can be placed on ponds, streams, creeks and even rivers to either eliminate or greatly reduce the radiation levels.
Farmlands need to be irrigated by specific waters, which has been processed by RFS Systems or other radiation decontaminating machines. Behair Technologies has several types of machine technologies available to chose one that is correct for you specific need.
Water Treatment Plants, which have installed Behair Technologies radiation eradicating equipment, are in the best position to assist the most people with the lease amount of cost. Machines can be designed to support the need of several hundred thousands of gallons of potable (radiation free) water per day.
If Surface Water Sources are supplying the utility company water, then the surface water needs to be treated and placed into a contained pipeline.
Radioactive Fallout from the generating plants need to be sprayed with Behair Technologies waters that stop the disintegration of a radioactive isotope. Behair Technologies already has machines available to accomplish this task.
The Source of the radiation is the crippled nuclear power generating plants. Behair Technologies has to technologies to protect the crews and to develop close support of the repair efforts under much safer conditions. Behair Technologies stands ready to prove our capability at ant time by first hand demonstration.
Nu-Clear Bottled Water
The most important immediate priority on the agenda for Japan’s recovery from this nuclear disaster is to protect the affected people in the fallout zones.
Behair Technologies has the current capability of bottling about 172,800 bottles of 16.9 oz (500 ml) daily. In addition, a new TU-1 System has just been field tested and ready to be placed on line in a larger bottling facility, which could bring up our production rate to about 500,000 bottles per day. These TU-1 Systems are stainless steel systems and approved for drinking water.
Japanese Customs approved sale of “Kinesis Bottled Water” for sale in Japan about four years ago as drinking water. “Kinesis Bottled Water” is the same as “Nu-Clear Water” as it is processed by exactly the same TU-1 System through Sedona Bottling Company of Phoenix, Arizona. Only the label has been changed from Kinesis Bottled Water to Nu-Clear Water.
Radiation Processing Equipment
Behair Technologies ability to rapidly increase protection from radioactive fallout and greatly reduce radiation poisoning of the citizens of Japan. Behair Technologies can place four 100 gallon per minute RFS Systems on line. These systems are constructed and ready to be placed into service immediately.
Behair Technologies can provide machines that stop the disintegration of a radioactive isotope in the volumes of one or two million gallons per minute within five to six months.
These machines would be fabricated for application as required, from 10 gallon for home uses, to 100 gallon per minute for farm and garden uses (i.e., dairies, orchards, greenhouses, etc.), 600 to 1,200 gallon per minute for irrigation purposes, special designs for use on the nuclear materials at the damaged generating facilities, (the four 100 gallon per minute RFS Systems might greatly reduce radioactive emissions from these damaged facilities), and large systems (several thousand gallons per minute) to be placed on public water utilities.
The overall expense of having to prepare foods and other essentials to masses of people, along with the transporting such supplies over long periods of time, requires a specific labor force and is lays the groundwork for an economical disaster.
Stabilize the radioactive contamination and the basic problem is solved. Behair Technologies is ready to support these efforts.
Please contact us and we will supply the data we have available and will perform field tests to demonstrate our capabilities.
Namon A. Hawthorne,
Owner of Behair Technologies
Inventor-Designer of the Technologies
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Nu-Clear Water-Laboratory Tests Results
Nu-Clear Water
Results of Laboratory Tests
Master Solutions (Radiation Count):
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Gross Beta Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Test Samples:
(10% Nu-Clear Water & 90% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 10% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 190 = 1710 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1394 = 506 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 10% dilution factor was 70.5%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 10% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 96 = 863 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 651 = 308 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 10% dilution factor was 52.7%
(20% Nu-Clear Water & 80% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 20% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 380 = 1520 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1536 = 364 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 20% dilution factor was 76.3%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 20% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 192 = 767 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 698 = 261 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 20% dilution factor was 62.6%
(30% Nu-Clear Water & 70% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 30% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 570 = 1330 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1542 = 358 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 30% dilution factor was 76.8%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 30% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 288 = 671 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 871 = 229 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 30% dilution factor was 67.0%
(40% Nu-Clear Water & 60% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 40% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 760 = 1140 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1628 = 272 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 40% dilution factor was 83.3%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 40% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 384 = 575 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 749 = 210 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 40% dilution factor was 72.0%
(50% Nu-Clear Water & 50% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 50% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 950 = 950 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1652 = 248 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 50% dilution factor was 85.0%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 50% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 480 = 480 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 779 = 180 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 50% dilution factor was 76.9%
(60% Nu-Clear Water & 40% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 60% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 1140 = 760 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1731 = 169 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 60% dilution factor was 90.3%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 60% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 574 = 384 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 817 = 142 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 60% dilution factor was 82.7%
(70% Nu-Clear Water & 30% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 70% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 1330 = 570 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1794 = 106 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 70% dilution factor was 94.1%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 70% Nu-Clear Water Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 671 = 288 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 876 = 82.6 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 70% dilution factor was 90.6%
(80% Nu-Clear Water & 20% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 80% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 1520 = 380 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1821 = 79.0 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 80% dilution factor was 95.7%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 80% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 767 = 192 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 892 = 66.5 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 80% dilution factor was 92.6%
(90% Nu-Clear Water & 10% Radioactive H2O)
Gross Alpha Radioactive Test Sample 1900 pCi/l
Gross Alpha Add 90% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Alpha Radiation Dilution should have been: 1900 – 1710 = 190 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 1900 – 1862 = 38.4 pCi/l
Alpha radiation reduction less 90% dilution factor was 99.98%
Gross Beta Radioactive Test Sample 959 pCi/l
Gross Beta Add 90% Nu-Clear Water 0 pCi/l
Beta Radiation Dilution should have been: 959 – 863 = 95.9 pCi/l
Actual Radiation Reduction from: 959 – 931 = 28.3 pCi/l
Beta radiation reduction less 90% dilution factor was 99.99%
Behair Technologies
505 30th NW Avenue
(918) 541-7821 Cell Field Representative (Namon)
Kenneth E. Hawthorne
Monday, March 14, 2011
Ability to Stop the Disintegration of a Radioactive Isotope
Monday, March 14, 2011
Interested Parties
Ref.: Ability to Stop the Disintegration of a Radioactive Isotope
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The radioactive disaster in Japan is capable of infecting thousands of people and killing a large number if not brought under control very quickly.
Currently Behair Technologies has four RFS Systems available to begin neutralizing the radiation at the rate of 400,000 gallons per day. Within one week, enough machines could be fabricated to provide an additional 1,000,000 gallons per day and by the end of the second week, Behair Technologies could supply an additional processing capability of 5,000,000 gallons per day.
These machines can and will provide radioactive free drinking water for the people.
Just the processed water itself will stop the disintegration of a radioactive isotope and can be used to wash all radiation contamination off people and equipment. It can also be sprayed into the rector area and limit radioactive expulsion into the atmosphere. Dairies need to sprayed, and the milk passed through an RFS System to clean it of radiation contamination. Pastures for cattle and dairies as well as vegetable farms need to be decontaminated, including rice farms. Young children are especially venerable to radiation sickness.
Small streams can have a portion of their waters processed and the radiation killing effect will kill the balance of radiation to a large degree. Pond water can be recycled and the radiation killed in the water.
In addition, other airborne radiation landing in the proceed pond water will be eliminated until the saturation point is reached and then if the water is recycled the radiation will be killed, thus slowing down and eventually eliminating radioactive contamination as the nuclear reactors are brought under control.
The entire Northern Japan ecosystem is under attack by nuclear fallout. This includes all wildlife such as birds, fish, and land animals. If not stopped, this nuclear disaster can spread to other countries.
The potential “meltdown” of the nuclear reactors can also affect other countries with radiation poison, especially South Korea , North Korea , Russia , Alaska , Canada , and the United States mainland as per prevailing winds and jet stream flows.
Equipment can be leased from Behair Technologies with mutual agreement that the equipment is a “Trade Secret” belonging to Behair Technologies since the equipment types are still in research and development. However, because of the many lives that may be saved by the use of this equipment and technologies, Behair Technologies is willing to risk exposure prior to filing patent protection. We are depending on the good faith of the various peoples and corporations to not circumvent Behair Technologies right to utilize Namon A. Hawthorne’s invention, and his intellectual property rights.
Behair Technologies will ship the constructed RFS Systems immediately and begin fabrication of addition machines upon receiving fabrication funding. Fabrication will require $250,000.00 per RFS System plus shipping cost.
Currently with the ramped exposure to highly toxic nuclear radiation, and with mounting cases of radiation poison affecting the masses of people, there will be no lease payments required until the people are protected, no matter how long it takes.
Namon A. Hawthorne
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